Kolesarski Team Building
Športni team-building v slovenski Istri

Kolesarski team building je odlična izbira za organizacije, ki želijo okrepiti timsko povezanost med zaposlenimi. Športne aktivnosti, kot je kolesarjenje, prinašajo številne koristi, medtem ko raziskovanje slovenske Istre z električnimi kolesi omogoča edinstveno izkušnjo, ki združuje kulinariko, naravo, sprostitev od ekranov ter lepe razglede od morja do Alp. Več o tem zakaj na kolesarski team building si lahko preberete tukaj.

Kolesarjenje v sklopu team buildingov oziroma za zaključene skupine priporočamo do 8 oseb z enim vodnikom, kjer bo pristop oseben in tura prilagojena vašim željam. Z dvema vodičema pa tudi do 12 oseb. Za skupine nad 12 oseb nas kontaktirajte. Naši team building izleti so tako odlična izbira za manjša podjetja oz. skupine ali oddelke. V program lahko vključimo postanke za pokušino kulinaričnih dobrot slovenske Istre, ogled vinskih kleti in degustacijo, obisk solin, nakup oljčnega olja ter domačega vina.

Sam kolesarski izlet lahko prilagodimo vašim željam in kolesarskim sposobnostim.

Podjetja se pogosto odločajo za celodnevni izlet Oljka z ogledom vinske kleti in degustacijo vina ter oljčnega olja.

Pri team buildingih dodatno prilagodimo izlet Oljka in ga tudi časovno podaljšamo, tako da je več časa za druženje.

Celotni izlet traja približno 8h.

Predviden potek:

9:00 Zbor v Izoli

11:30 Malica in ogled vinske kleti v Kortah

15:00 Kosilo v Medljanu

17:00 Zaključek v Izoli

Cena je 159€* po osebi. 

V ceno je vključeno električno kolo, vodič, čelada, ščitniki za kolena in komolce, ogled vinske kleti z narezkom in degustacijo vina ter oljčnega olja, več hodno kosilo, pijača, organizacija izleta + Darilo!


Opcija 2: Poldnevni izlet Tartuf z več hodnim kosilom. Brez malice, ogleda vinske kleti in degustacije. Cena takega izleta je 114€* / osebo in cca. 5h.

Opcija 3: Celodnevni izlet Oljka z malico in več hodnim kosilom. Brez ogleda vinske kleti in degustacije. Cena 139€*/ osebo in cca. 7h.

Opcija 4: Poldnevni izlet Tartuf z ogledom vinske kleti in degustacijo. Malica je ob degustaciji. Cena 119€* / osebo in cca 5h.

Lahko pa za vas pripravimo tudi izlet po vaših željah.

*Cene so z DDV-jem.

Kontaktirajte nas:

    Metka Lah
    Metka Lah
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Iztok Meža
    Iztok Meža
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Tesa Krnc
    Tesa Krnc
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Željko Stević
    Željko Stević
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Vrhunska izkušnja s super vodičem, odličnimi kolesi in lepimi razgledi! Priporočam vsem, ki bi radi videli slovensko obalo še iz druge, bolj adrenalinske perspektive.
    Gloria Kotnik
    Gloria Kotnik
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Čudoviti razgledi, super vodič, odlična hrana in vrhunska oprema. Na turo smo se podali z otrokom, zato smo izbrali krajšo različico, prilagodili pa so nam tudi stopnjo težavnosti. Čudovit dan v katerem smo vsi zelo uživali in komaj čakamo, da ponovimo. Toplo priporočamo.
    DeGrassi Boutique Garni Hotel
    DeGrassi Boutique Garni Hotel
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Simply excellent. The guide is very friendly, the views are wonderful, considering that we are a little out of shape, the guide adjusted the pace, we gained strength with a delicious lunch and had a perfect day!!!
    Sasa Supica
    Sasa Supica
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    This was a truly magnificent experience! I would warmly recommend to all the mountain bike lovers! We were a group of 4, different ages and different capabilities for bike riding. Our guide Sebastian is the best man for the task you could wish for! He is proficient, very experienced and has an extraordinary abilities to make on spot decisions, adapting the route and the tempo to the individual and group capabilities. Sebastian is not only remarkably well prepared but he also is familiar every foot and path in Izola area, we would not be able to explore some well-hidden paths, views and gems without him as our guide. We were reluctant at first to use the electric bikes from Bora Experience because we thought we wouldn’t need them and didn’t know how well the bikes are maintained. I assure you Bora Experience proved to be well knowledgeable and they offer the highest quality electric mountain bikes. Moreover, yes – you need electric, no matter how well trained you are, as some steep paths could otherwise not be reachable. The day-trip we had with Sebastian was amazing, adventurous, great views along the way, good meal / food in between the rides and a great company. Thank you, we will definitely come back to ride with you again!
    Ana Dovč
    Ana Dovč
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Servis Krštinc
    Servis Krštinc
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Odlična izkušnja, odličen vodič ... veselimo se novih tur. Samo tako naprej ekipa
    Ivo Vranjican
    Ivo Vranjican
    Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
    Bora experience was a great experience! Sebastian is a great and thoughtful guide, meals were tasty and in wonderful setting. We shall definetely do this again!